I’m involved in Blogging for NDP 2010!
Source: http://www10.ndp.org.sg/singles.php?page=ndpbloggers
Its gonna be busy busy all the way until Mid August.
Thank God my involvement is on weekends only, I’m still running around in school on weekdays~ *work life balance in the test
Check out this year’s NDP site at: http://www10.ndp.org.sg/
As you can see from the photo, u’re gonna get the military side of the story and the civilian side of the story.
We’re going behind the scenes~
While I have yet to take photos of the event, click on over to the lao jiao’s flickr collection! He’s got some real nice shots!
Link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lobinhoot/
Be Bless

Great work! looking forward to your posts!