
Went for an interview at a recruitment agency. Came out leaving me in deep thoughts. In a positive way.

We conversed over the phone, I passed the phone interview. Got off the phone, evaluated the offer while on the way down to pick up the information and present myself.

Figured out the job scope was very narrow. Its contract-based (really short) and its something that I don’t see myself excelling or have a prospect in.

Arrived, chatted a little with the HR person, and shared my thoughts and came to a mutual conclusion.

I wonder if I were the interviewer, how would I feel.
Provoked? Maybe.

I evaluated myself and put on their shoes.

Wah… if HR is not my kind of thing, and I have to interview and face people (daily) who knows exactly what kind of job they want, and what they want, I kick myself in the butt and ask myself what am I doing.

If nothing at all, I hope I did inject some passion, direction & determination into the interviewer.

Will we ever know what we want to do? Will we ever find a job that we will be happy in? …

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