I started drinking recently,
ya, 25, and only then I started drinking.
Didnt like the smell, I’m very sensitive to smell.
Like when my dad drinks, Probably a can, walk past and I will be able to smell it.
I have a very stereotypical mindset ba. Drinking = Being Drunk.
Then comes in the idea of
speaking things that should be kept inside,
being molested.
I dont ever want to be in a state of not knowing what I’m doing.
Met a group of people that are very into drinking, then began the thought that I really should learn how to drink for the sake of social drinking.
Kept pushing it back.
Then got invited to a wine tasting event.
That triggered the whole drink at night before sleeping thing.
Theres alot of health benefits to it in case you didnt know. 🙂
Some of the things I’ve learnt n am applying for myself, if it’s a day of lack of water, didn’t drink enough plain water, don’t drink, cos hangover will come back with a vengence.
N like on mother’s day, we had durian, hell no am I going to touch the wine.
Be a responsible drinker. 🙂
Be Bless
P/S: I know I’m using the wrong cup.

Actually – even a whisky glass can be used to drink wine. its never about the holder, its about the quality of the wine itself. you can even drink it off the bottle! 🙂
as long as you stop when you feel slightly tipsy, you’ll be fine 🙂 do always drink with close & trusted friends, who’ll send you back or take care of you.
actually, talk about friends who will take care of you, i personally don’t like going out with friends who cannot control themselves under alcohol influence; relying on their friends to CARRY them out of the clubs or sending them home.
worst of all are those who start to get really EMO. one of those nights when i want to have fun and not have all these %$#&@#$ spoil my nights.
😀 wah, drink it off the bottle… 😀
taught myself never to depend on “friends” 🙂
So ya, thanks for the advice, “slightly tipsy”. 😀
true, happened before.
yup, depends on the friends we drink with too, i guess 😀