Went by to Chris Ling’s Photography Studio the order day, courtesy of @krisandro with 24seven Comms
It was interesting to step into a professional Photography Studio
So Pink Right!!!! I Like!!!! 😀
Old School!!!!
He was sharing about his visions and his past. How he started as a commercial photographer.
Products and stuff.
The trainings that he went through. Using film to shoot, every click is money that taught him details and picture perfect. 😀
He very bad, cos he made 4 brides cry 😀
The brides cry bcos they want all the photos he took for them but couldnt afford to. 😀
4 brides… 😀 my goodness.
He was sharing about creativity in a photo.
Like a chopstick on a table, how do u shoot it so that it’ll become interesting to look at?
I like this photo the most!
I like how that moment was capture, the kids being so curious about what was being shot. 😀
So how? chopstick on table. How to shoot an interesting photo out of it? Leave a comment reply~
Be Bless