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Category Archives: Educating
We dont always get what we want
Ultimately, what is the purpose in life? We know it is not the chase for richness, it is not the chase for success, but what is it?
Those are great, if not them, then what?
I dont know it all, but I know, these are by-products of achievements.
And, purpose in life is a by-product of achievement. In my opinion.
Because its only when you achieve then can you have the ability to be more than you, a person.
We know life is unfair.
Was it fair to those that encounters natural disaster? Was it fair for someone else along the roads that was been apportion a sad deck of cards in life (although it is still for them to work around).
Everyday as we go through life, its about the people around us. Its about how we can reach out and facilitate other people’s life. Caring, Sharing, Empowering. Within your abilities, capabilities.
Making it easier for the people around you to get by (but definitely not along the line of letting them take the benefit for granted). Spreading that kindness.
Why, because life is unfair. We dont always get what we want.
Some more equal than others
Was looking through 9gag and this picture came up:
It was captioned “We are all born equal, some more equal than others.” and that strike me. Where did that saying start from? What does it mean? What was the writer to say? Go google “Animal Farm” by George Orwell if you were like me. Its about the abuse of collectivism amongst the common.
While we live in a meritocracy, democratic and fair society, can you see how the “Animal Farm” has quietly creeped in? 🙂
But here here, theres no one to blame except urself, because theres freewill and choice even in the most oppressed of situations.
Here’s a little read that presents another angle of itself. 🙂
Altogether Now, by Cassiestar
I was walking through town, killing time, the other day.I walked past the sombre church, where three girls in drab uniforms, were sitting on the small, stone wall, eating pasties. They didn’t say much. I caught something about boyfriends, or husbands. Not one of them was smiling.
I went into the mean, colourless, shopping precinct. I passed a couple of empty, vacant shops. One of the windows was boarded up. I went into the bargain shop to waste a few more minutes. There were two pensioners, probably husband and wife, who were looking at, scrutinizing some sleeveless shirts, compairing the different prices.
“I’ll have to wait a couple of weeks,” moaned the podgy man. “You know we’ve got the gas and electricity to pay. That’ll cost us an arm and a leg.””But you’ve got to get something,” argued his wife, pleading more than complaining.
“You’ve been wearing the same shirt for the last three weeks. Every time you go to the old age.”
“I know, but its only once a week,” protested the husband, not raising his voice too loudly, knowing his wife was trying to be helpful.I left the bargain shop.
I went into the supermarket. It wasn’t much bigger than a postage stamp, but the prices were reasonable, damn reasonable.
I was surprised how many people were in there. It was pretty full. Parents and children. Mothers struggling with nimble kids. People checking the coins in their pockets, their purses, making sure they had enough, for bread, milk, or whatever they fancied but couldn’t really afford.
There was a couple in their late forties, looking at packs of ham, bacon. “It’s either this, or the lottery tickets,” said the man adamantly, waving a pack of gammon in front of the woman.
“All right love,” sighed the woman loudly. They moved slowly away. He placed the gammon firmly, neatly on top of the other packs. She pushed her grey hair away from her tired eyes…
I got to the checkout. There was a lad about seventeen, trying to buy a four-pack of cider.
“Are you old enough?” demanded the fleshy, threatening woman on the till. I noticed the tattoo on her arm. It was a flower or a bird. I glanced at the lad.
“Old enough,” swaggered the lad. “I’ll be twenty-six next birthday.” He grinned a brazen grin.
“Bugger off,” said the woman, waving her tattooed arm. She looked and sounded angry. “Go on, bugger off.” She waved her hand frantically, furiously. She pointed, thrust a finger in the direction of the way out automatic door. “Out!” She stood up, jabbed her finger – like a dagger to the heart. “Get out!” She almost fell back on her chair.
The lad cursed loudly, threw the four-pack back on the conveyor belt, and stormed out of, kicking over a potted plant as he left the supermarket.
I got outside, frowned and shook my head. “Nutter.” I said to myself. I walked along, not noticing much, until i left the shopping precinct.
I could hear raised voices. I stopped, turned around. There was a man and a woman outside the Workingmans Club. They were shouting and ranting. Both were in their late twenties, early thirties. She wore an orange T-shirt and black leggings. I couldn’t honestly say what he was wearing. he was moving backwards, forwards, like a caged tiger. (I think he wore jeans and a polo shirt).
He was cursing like a navvy, his face a blood pressure red. He threw something, it looked like a bunch of keys, at the woman. They hit her hard. They fell, clattering, in the gutter. He kicked, then almost punched the Club door open, still swearing.She was crying – I could see her wipe the tears away – as she picked the keys up.
I walked away, thinking of the words we are all born equal. Some more equal than others, I mumbled, slowly shaking my head.
Thanks for coming by
Be Bless
Phil Pringle – Leadership Files, Impatience
Many problems you face will come from impatience – shortness of spirit.
Impatience makes you do a thing several times, instead of once slowly.
Impatience makes you miss the wisdom that comes from waiting and thinking before acting.
Impatience makes you lose friends when they frustrate you.Because of impatience you will lose control of your temper.
Impatience is a short spirit.
If you’re a person with a short fuse people will avoid you.
You will scatter instead of gather.BUT, James 1:3 declares that the time to exercise patience is exactly when you dont want to – when you’re under pressure.
If you develop patience and become great at waiting and coping and putting up with … everything … you will be “complete and entire, lacking in nothing’ (verse 4)Go for it. Be a patient person.
Thanks for coming by
Be Bless
From GALLUP Business Journal:
Self-Assurance is similar to self-confidence. In the deepest part of you, you have faith in your strengths. You know that you are able — able to take risks, able to meet new challenges, able to stake claims, and, most important, able to deliver. But Self-Assurance is more than just self-confidence. Blessed with the theme of Self-Assurance, you have confidence not only in your abilities but in your judgment. When you look at the world, you know that your perspective is unique and distinct. And because no one sees exactly what you see, you know that no one can make your decisions for you. No one can tell you what to think. They can guide. They can suggest. But you alone have the authority to form conclusions, make decisions, and act. This authority, this final accountability for the living of your life, does not intimidate you. On the contrary, it feels natural to you. No matter what the situation, you seem to know what the right decision is. This theme lends you an aura of certainty. Unlike many, you are not easily swayed by someone else’s arguments, no matter how persuasive they may be. This Self-Assurance may be quiet or loud, depending on your other themes, but it is solid. It is strong. Like the keel of a ship, it withstands many different pressures and keeps you on your course.
I think…
Ultimately, self-assurance is sexier than sexy. More secure than confidence. Keeps one alone but not necessary lonely. Makes those who possess, attractive to those who dont.
N one ponders, is tt the yardstick of a complete person?
Does that then write off the need for companionship of a person?
Do 2 self-assured person make for a perfect relationship?
Was discussing with friends and continued the intellectual debate with myself (yes, my brain is very busy 😀 ) and I kinda gathered something.
I think while we seek companionship, it is not like needing that companion to complete ourselves.
Its more like in every phase, in every societal setting, they are multiple roles that needs to be fulfilled in-order for the phase to be considered as whole, completed.
That being said, you need two whole persons, or self-assured person to be in a relationship.
Aint got no perfect relationship ladies gentleman. Because you can perhaps get a self-assured person to back down and come to an agreement, a compromising situation in-order to be on par with the other self-assured person.
Whatevcr the ho, whatever the hey, it is important to be open, and be whole as a person at the same time.
two very thick topics put together. 🙂
thanks for coming by
Be Bless
The Sessions
Went to watch The Sessions the other day.
It’s very mild, but very deep I guess.
That man with Polio.
How did girls fall in love with him?
1. He makes girls laugh.
2. He is giving, of the little that he has.
3. He is simple, which makes it so easy for people to fall in-love with.
4. He needs to be taken care of, like it or not being able to take care of someone is a realisation of a human’s self-actualisation need.
And in the surrogate’s case,
There was affection, selfless-ness in the love makings and his poetry touches.
“Let me touch you with my words
For my hands lie limp as empty gloves
Let my words stroke your hair
Slide down your back
And tickle your belly
For my hands, light and free flying as bricks
Ignore my wishes
And stubbornly refuse to carry out my quietest desires
Let my words enter your mind
Bearing torches
Admit them willingly into your being
So they may caress you gently
— Mark O’Brien – Love poem to no one in particular
Mark O’Brien: What happens when people become attached for each other?
Cheryl: You can leave it as love and attraction or you can make things complicated …
Thanks for coming by
Be Bless
How shld weekend be like?
How should weekend be like?
Is there a series of recommended event, schedule that I can follow?
Is there a sample structure?
Why is that even a question?
Weekend should just be weekend.
No structure,
No how it should be.
Kinda wrecks me to have my weekend pass me by, passing by in a less productive manner compared to my weekdays.
That shakes me from within.
Is it true then that I’m more productive at work than living life?
Amanda.. Amanda..
Life is more than just productivity or work…
How then can I learn to just chill and learn to relax and not be involved.
Just do things spontaneously and be unplanned.
Perhaps a random backpacking trip?
Living life spontaneously…
Spontaneity Takes Work!
Whoever said being spontaneous was easy, obviously hasn’t tried improv comedy. It’s easy to get so caught up in plans and schedules, that when the structure is removed, you fall on your feet. There are so many elements of life that can’t be captured in a to-do list, so it pays to know how to improvise.How to Be More Spontaneous
Spontaneity is not the opposite of planning. This was my key breakthrough in order to make sure my life was both fun and productive. Improvising has many of the same prerequisites that you use in your scheduled life, just with a twist.
The opposite of spontaneity is cowardice. Fear, not planning, is the real barrier to improvisation. It isn’t your day planner that keeps you from saying hi to a stranger, it’s your fears. Where productivity requires discipline and organization, spontaneity requires courage and openness.Source:
Thanks for coming by
Be Bless
An introvert’s holiday
Hello~~~~ I’m out on a trip again-~~
‘cept that this is a short trip and to assist ppl
I think one of the things I enjoy most being on overseas trip is being able to stay in the hotel room and watch tv. Not exactly about their local program’s, but rather more about the English movies I can find. 😀 it’s like watching movie at the movie theatre, but more luxurious than that. I get the whole hotel room to myself and I can buy whatever snacks and fruits I want at the local convenience shop. Pillows, and bed sheet, temperature to my preference volume control and all that jazz.
But I think more than that, it’s really about the whole relaxed feel that opens room for reflection and really opportunities to think. Such creativity and to certain extend deep thoughts, are reflection, is at it’s best when one is relaxed, perhaps at peace and able to generate more a complex and meaningful thoughts and connections.
Had one from the movie Last Song while I was out in Bangkok with friends.
Okay, that’s two whole paragraph and I have yet to get into the point of this entry. 😀 i would think theres two parts to this entry, one is on the movie and the other is on being an introvert.
Let’s do the introvert one first since its a little shorter. (okay, after inserting all the extracts from the video, its not that short afterall. 😀 )
I came on this trip with a colleague, have a common purpose, not so much about leisure and travel.
So he has his plans, and I can’t really be bothered about making prior arrangement.
Both bcos I don’t really have friends here and I’m not really a shopping person,
I’m more keen on staying in the hotel room and you know, sleep, slack and watch tv (as describe above).
So comparing between my colleague and me, I’m effectively an introvert. Cos he’s running around meeting people for business, meeting associates and networking, while me? I do my work from the hotel room and spend more time in the hotel room, way more than supposedly a person who’s on holiday would.
Finally manage to take photo of my new hairstyle… 😀
Yup, I love love it!
And well, a new journey as well. 🙂
A New journey again,
Or just a new job actually. Or maybe the company isn’t that new to me, been overly familiar, just that im taking on a different role this time.
Anyway, it’s been very stretching in the current company.
And perhaps I was really physically tired hence didn’t have the mental strength to be above the situation.
Had a chat with a colleague, who’s old enough to see through it all. And perhaps bcos he is at a more senior level that’s why he could give me a 3rd persons opinion.
The issue was first on capabilities and then it rolled into trust.
So my colleague said, he doesn’t need trust to do his work.
Perhaps bcos we are in different shoes in-terms of work.
He came to the understanding that trust and relationships are very I,portent to me.
and then he asked: am I born under the star sign of cancer?
Oh my, that’s right. I am.
Turns out people under the star sign of cancer puts great importance in trust and relationship.
Then later on in the conversation, it was revealed that I’m born in the year of the ox and that further stretches the point of trust and relationship.
I wonder why…
Anyone care to share?
My understanding was that as an ox, I work really hard, and these hardworking is only worthy if I’m working for people I could trust. And that trust builds from relationship perhaps? 🙂
Let’s see if I’ll get to dig out more from him…
He wasn’t able to put a pin to it.
But this trip, it sure as hell reveals to me how much importance I put on trust… 🙂
Thanks for coming by,
Be bless